6-week program to get back into shape before summer

With summer fast approaching, you may be looking to improve your fitness, sculpt your figure, or simply feel better about yourself. Our 6-week pre-summer fitness program is designed to guide you through a structured path of training and nutrition, helping you to achieve your goals effectively and sustainably. Whether you’re a beginner or more advanced in your fitness journey, this program offers personalized advice to maximize your results, focusing on targeted exercises, balanced nutrition and recovery strategies. Get ready to transform your body, boost your energy and welcome summer with confidence and vitality.

Summer 6 week programme

Why choose a 6-week fitness program?

Opting for a 6-week fitness program has several key benefits that can encourage you on your way to a healthier, more toned body. This relatively short timeframe is ideal for implementing significant changes without feeling overwhelmed by a long-term commitment. In six weeks, you have enough time to develop good training and nutritional habits, while seeing tangible results that boost your motivation. What’s more, this timeframe is perfect for those who have a specific goal in mind, such as getting ready for a special event or simply welcoming summer with a better version of themselves. This program is designed to offer you a clear structure, enabling you to make steady progress, focusing each week on specific objectives. In this way, you can maximize your potential, while tailoring the program to your individual needs.

The benefits of a short, intensive program

Here are a few key points that underline the effectiveness of engaging in such a program:

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Quickly visible results:

An intensive program means you work in a more focused and harder way, which often leads to faster results. Seeing positive changes in your body and fitness in a short space of time is a great way to stay motivated.

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Healthy habits :

Although short, this program is long enough to help you develop good training and nutritional habits. These 6 weeks can serve as a solid foundation for a healthier lifestyle in the long term.

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Time-saving :

A short, intensive program fits more easily into a busy schedule, making it accessible to a larger number of people.

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Focus on the essentials :

With a defined duration, the program focuses on the most effective exercises and habits for achieving fitness goals.

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Discipline development :

Following a short, intensive program can help reinforce discipline and regularity in training and eating habits.

How to motivate yourself for a 6-week challenge

Embarking on a 6-week challenge requires a good dose of motivation. Here are some strategies for staying engaged and motivated throughout the program:

  • Define clear objectives Before you start, take a moment to think about what you want to achieve with this program. Whether it’s losing weight, gaining muscle or simply improving your stamina, having specific goals will give you a clear direction.
  • Make objectives measurable : Associate concrete indicators with your objectives. For example, instead of saying “I want to be fit”, set a goal of running 5 km without stopping, or doing 20 push-ups in a row. This will make your progress more tangible.
  • Create a logbook : Document your journey by noting your training, nutrition and daily sensations. Seeing your progress written down in black and white can be an important source of motivation.
  • Seeking support Share your goals with friends and family, or join an online community. The encouragement and advice of others can give you an extra boost.
  • Celebrating small victories : Don’t just focus on the end goal. Take the time to appreciate and celebrate the small improvements and progress made over the weeks.
  • Visualizing success : Take a few minutes each day to visualize yourself achieving your goals. This positive visualization technique can increase your intrinsic motivation.
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Week 1 & 2: Laying the foundations

The first two weeks of this 6-week program are crucial in laying the foundations for your fitness journey. During this initial phase, the aim is to familiarize you with the program, start integrating regular training habits and lay the foundations for a healthy, balanced diet. It’s all about preparing your body and mind for the intensity of the weeks ahead, by focusing on learning the correct techniques for the exercises, awakening your nutritional awareness, and slowly starting to increase your endurance and strength. This period is also ideal for identifying and overcoming potential challenges, such as time management or motivation, ensuring that you are fully equipped to succeed. By laying a solid foundation, you maximize your chances of seeing significant improvements throughout the program.

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During these first few weeks, we’ll focus on setting up a progressive exercise program tailored to your needs. This will include a combination of strength training, cardiovascular exercises and flexibility to ensure the complete development of your body. Each training session will be designed to push you to your maximum while respecting your personal limits, to ensure constant and lasting progress. We’ll also encourage you to listen to your body and adjust the intensity of your exercises according to how you feel and how fit you are.

Nutritional tips to boost your metabolism

To boost your metabolism and maximize the results of your fitness program, adopting the right nutritional strategy is essential. Here are some key tips to follow:

  • Eat protein at every meal Protein: Protein is crucial for muscle building and can also increase your body’s metabolic rate, as it requires more energy to digest than carbohydrates or fats.
  • Don’t skip breakfast : Starting your day with a balanced breakfast can help boost your metabolism. Opt for high-fibre, high-protein options to keep you feeling full longer.
  • Moisturize Drinking enough water is essential for an efficient metabolism. Water helps transport nutrients through your body and can increase your metabolic rate.
  • Eat at regular intervals Eating at set times helps keep your metabolism active throughout the day. Try to eat every 3 to 4 hours.
  • Incorporates thermogenic foods : Certain foods can temporarily increase your metabolism, such as hot peppers, green tea and coffee. Their thermogenic effect can help burn more calories.
  • Opt for fiber-rich foods Fruits, vegetables and whole grains not only provide you with essential nutrients, but also boost your metabolism thanks to their slow digestion.
  • Reduce simple sugars and processed foods These foods can slow down your metabolism and contribute to fat accumulation. Choose whole, unprocessed foods.

By integrating these healthy eating habits into your daily routine, you can not only boost your metabolism but also support your body throughout your fitness program.

Basic fitness exercises

To lay the foundations for effective fitness, it’s essential to incorporate basic exercises that target major muscle groups, promote weight loss and improve overall fitness. Here are two training circuits designed to kick-start your program

Circuit 1: Full Body

This circuit is designed to work the whole body. Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, followed by 15 seconds’ rest before moving on to the next. Repeat the circuit 3 times.

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Squats : Targets thighs, hips, glutes, quadriceps, and strengthens the lower body. Keep your back straight and push your buttocks back as if you were going to sit down.

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Push-ups: Works the chest, shoulders and triceps. If necessary, start with knee push-ups to reduce the difficulty.

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Planks : Strengthen the trunk. Maintain a plank position with your body in a straight line from head to heels.

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Burpees : Complete exercise that improves cardiovascular fitness and burns calories. Start standing, move into squat position, then plank position, return to squat and jump into the air.

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Mountain climbers : Improves cardiovascular fitness while strengthening the core. In plank position, alternately bring your knees towards your chest.

Circuit 2: Strengthening and cardio

This circuit alternates muscle-strengthening exercises with cardio phases. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds with 10 seconds rest between each. Repeat the circuit 4 times.

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Alternating lunges: Stand up, take a big step forward and bend your knees at 90 degrees. Alternate legs. This exercise targets the legs and glutes.

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Abdominal crunches : Lying on your back with knees bent, slightly lift your upper body while contracting your abdominal muscles.

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Jumping jacks: Stand up and jump, spreading your legs and raising your arms. Return to initial position. Perfect for boosting heart rate.

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Side plank (15 sec each side): Strengthens the obliques. Position yourself on your side, resting on one elbow, and keep your body in a straight line.

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High knees: From a standing position, alternately raise your knees as high as possible, increasing the intensity to work the cardio.

These circuits are designed to be completed with little or no equipment, allowing you to carry them out easily at home or outdoors. They are an excellent starting point for building a balanced training routine suitable for all fitness levels.

Weeks 3 & 4: Intensify training

As you progress through your fitness program, weeks 3 and 4 mark a crucial period for intensifying your training. After you’ve established the basics in the first two weeks, your body starts to adapt to the exercises, which means it’s time to raise the level to continue seeing improvements. During this phase, the emphasis will be on increasing the intensity and complexity of exercises, and reducing rest times between sets to maximize fat burning and muscle development. It’s about challenging your body in new ways, introducing exercise variations and increasing loads where possible. This progressive approach ensures that you continue to progress towards your fitness goals without stagnating, while minimizing the risk of injury. Get ready to push yourself a little harder, to test your limits and find out what you’re really capable of.

Increase exercise intensity and variety

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Increasing the intensity and variety of exercises is essential to stimulate progression and avoid the performance plateau. Here’s how you can do it in weeks 3 and 4 of your program:

  • Increases intensity For strength training, increase the weight or number of repetitions to keep challenging your muscles. If you’re working with your body weight, try more difficult variations of the exercises or increase the training volume (more sets or repetitions).
  • Reduces downtime Reducing the rest time between sets will make your workout more intense and boost your muscular endurance and cardiovascular capacity. Try to reduce rest to 30-45 seconds between sets.
  • Vary the exercises Introducing new movements to stimulate your body in new ways. This not only helps to keep you motivated, but also ensures balanced muscle development and prevents repetitive strain injuries.
  • Focus on compound exercises Prioritize movements that call on several muscle groups simultaneously, such as squats, deadlifts, push-ups and pull-ups. These exercises allow you to lift heavier loads or perform more repetitions, providing an increased stimulus for muscle growth and strength.

By following these guidelines to increase the intensity and variety of your workouts, you’ll continue to see significant improvements in strength, endurance, and body composition throughout these crucial two weeks.

Nutrition: focus on proteins and carbohydrates

During this phase of intensified training, it’s crucial to adapt your diet to support your performance and recovery. Focusing on protein and the right carbohydrates becomes essential to optimize the results of your fitness program. Proteins play a key role in muscle repair and construction. Increase your intake of lean protein sources such as chicken, turkey, fish, eggs and legumes. These foods will help you rebuild muscle fibers damaged during intensive workouts, promoting muscle growth and recovery.

Carbohydrates are your main source of energy. Opt for complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, sweet potatoes and high-fibre vegetables. These types of carbohydrate are digested more slowly, providing a more stable release of energy during your workouts and throughout the day. They’ll help you maintain your energy levels, reduce fatigue and improve your overall performance.

The importance of hydration and sleep

Hydration and sleep play crucial roles in your fitness journey, especially when it comes to an intensive program aimed at transforming your body in six weeks. Adequate hydration is essential not only to maintain your performance during training, but also to facilitate recovery afterwards. Water helps regulate body temperature, transports essential nutrients to cells and eliminates metabolic waste. Not drinking enough can lead to dehydration, reducing your ability to exercise at your best and delaying the recovery process.

Sleep is just as vital. During sleep, your body rests, repairs and rebuilds itself. Growth hormones, crucial for muscle recovery and performance, are released mainly during the deep phases of sleep. Sleep deprivation can compromise your ability to recover, negatively affect your motivation, strength and resistance to fatigue, and even increase the risk of injury.

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Weeks 5 & 6: Maximize results and prepare for summer

As you approach the final stages of your 6-week fitness program, weeks 5 and 6 are crucial to maximizing your results and getting your body ready for summer. This final phase is the time to consolidate the gains in strength, endurance and body composition you’ve worked so hard to achieve. It’s also about refining your approach, fine-tuning diet, workout intensity, and recovery strategies to ensure you’re not only fit but also ready to feel confident and comfortable displaying your progress.

Advanced body sculpting exercises

To maximize your results, it’s crucial to incorporate advanced exercises and build intensive training circuits that challenge your endurance, strength and willpower. These exercises target several muscle groups for maximum efficiency and high calorie expenditure. Here are two circuits designed to push you to your limits and sculpt your body to the max.

Circuit 1: Power and agility

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Burpees with pump (10 reps): Combines a vertical jump, plank position and pump for a complete exercise.

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Jump squats (15 repetitions): Incorporate an explosive jump at the end of each squat to strengthen the legs and improve power.

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Mountain Climbers (30 seconds): In plank position, bring your knees up to your chest alternately at fast speed for an intense cardio effect.

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Push-ups (10 repetitions): Perform a push-up to work the upper body.

Repeat this circuit 3 to 4 times, with 1 minute’s rest between each repetition.

Circuit 2: Strength and Endurance

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Alternating jumping lunges (20 repetitions): Alternate legs in a lunge movement, with a jump to change legs, to work the legs and cardio.

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Resistance band pulls (15 reps): Uses a resistance band to perform horizontal pulls, targeting the back and arms.

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Plank with lateral movement (30 seconds): In plank position, move sideways for a few meters, then return to your starting point for an intense core workout.

Summer 6 week programme

Jumping jacks with dumbbells (30 seconds): Perform jumping jacks while holding dumbbells to add extra resistance.

Repeat this circuit 3 to 4 times, with 1 minute’s rest between each repetition.

These circuits are designed to maximize fat burning, improve muscular strength and endurance, while effectively sculpting the body. Make sure you maintain correct form to avoid injury, and adjust intensity according to your fitness level. By incorporating these advanced workouts into your routine, you’ll be on the fast track to achieving your pre-summer fitness goals.

Nutritional strategies for a slimmer figure

Refining your figure requires a targeted nutrition strategy that complements your training program. Here are a few key points to help you develop an effective nutritional plan:

  • Portion control Portion control: Watch your food portions to avoid caloric excess and maintain a moderate energy deficit, promoting fat loss while preserving muscle mass.
  • Focus on nutrient-rich foods Choose nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains, to provide your body with essential vitamins, minerals and fiber.
  • Macronutrient breakdown Balance your intake of proteins, carbohydrates and fats to meet your energy needs and support muscle growth while promoting fat burning.
  • Adequate hydration Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day to maintain optimal hydration, aid digestion and regulate your appetite.
  • Meal planning Meal planning: Plan your meals and snacks to avoid impulsive food choices and ensure a balanced, consistent diet throughout the day.
  • Avoid processed foods and added sugars Limit your intake of of processed foods and sweetened beverages, which can contribute to excessive caloric intake and blood sugar fluctuations.

Tips for maintaining results over the long term

Maintaining the results achieved during your fitness program over the long term requires an ongoing commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few essential tips to help you stay fit and trim:

  • Adopt healthy eating habits on a permanent basis : Rather than following restrictive diets, focus on a balanced, nutrient-rich diet. Incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your daily diet to support your metabolism and maintain your energy.
  • Stay active every day In addition to regular workouts, look for ways to incorporate more physical activity into your daily routine. Whether it’s walking more often, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or engaging in recreational activities, every movement counts.
  • Vary your workouts Avoid monotony and plateauing by diversifying your exercise routines. Try out new sporting disciplines and regularly change the intensity and volume of your training to continue to challenge your body and progress.
  • Listen to your body : Pay attention to your body’s signals to avoid injury and exhaustion. Allow yourself sufficient rest and recovery time, and don’t hesitate to adjust your training program if necessary.
  • Set yourself new goals : Once you’ve achieved a goal, setting a new one can give you direction and motivate you to keep up your efforts. Whether it’s improving your performance, trying a new sport, or just feeling good about yourself, having a clear goal will keep you engaged.
  • Social support Surround yourself with people who share your healthy lifestyle goals. Having a training partner or being part of a community can offer motivational support and make the experience more enjoyable.

By incorporating these tips into your life, you’ll be better equipped to maintain your fitness results and continue living an active, healthy lifestyle over the long term.

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