CrossFit® program: Wods to prepare for the OPENS

Preparing for the CrossFit® OPENs is a major challenge for athletes who want to test their limits and measure themselves against the global CrossFit® community. Whether you’re a competitor looking to improve on previous performances or an amateur wishing to take part for the first time, the importance of a training program specifically designed for these events cannot be underestimated. Our “CrossFit® Program: Wods to prepare for OPENS” guide is designed to provide you with a structured framework and targeted WODs (Workout of the Day) that cover all the essential aspects of preparation: endurance, strength, power, technique, and recovery. By following this program, you maximize your chances of success at the OPENs, while ensuring you make optimum progress.

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Why a specific program for OPENs is crucial

A program specifically designed for CrossFit® OPENs is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, OPENs feature a variety of events that test not only strength and endurance, but also technique, strategy, and the ability to manage fatigue under pressure. General training may not cover all these aspects with the intensity or specificity needed to excel in a competitive environment. What’s more, a targeted program allows athletes to familiarize themselves with the types of WODs they may encounter, reducing anxiety linked to the unknown and improving self-confidence. It also helps to structure preparation over several weeks or months, ensuring consistent progress without overexertion or increased risk of injury.

Understanding CrossFit® OPENs and their requirements

The CrossFit® OPENs represent the first qualifying stage in the competitive CrossFit® season, attracting athletes of all levels from all over the world. This annual event takes place over several weeks, during which a series of WODs (Workout of the Day) is published, and each participant must complete them within a specified timeframe to submit their scores. The demands of OPENs are vast and varied, testing athletes’ endurance, strength, power, speed, agility, technique and mental capacity. WODs can include everything from Olympic weight lifts and gymnastic moves, to cardiovascular endurance exercises.

The benefits of targeted training for OPENs

  • Maximizing training efficiency Focus on skills and abilities specifically required for OPENs.
  • Targeted improvement Identify and strengthen weaknesses, while perfecting strengths.
  • Confidence-building and mental resilience Preparing for the physical and mental challenges of OPENs, improving stress and pressure management.
  • Minimizing the risk of injury : Thanks to a structured, progressive program, prevents muscular overload and imbalance.
  • Familiarization with the competition format Reduces anxiety linked to the unknown and improves competition strategy.
  • Performance optimization Targeted training that prepares you specifically for the types of WODs encountered at OPENs.
  • Adaptability and versatility Adaptability: Encourages the development of a wide range of physical and technical skills.

Analysis of previous years' OPEN events

Analysis of previous years’ OPEN events is an essential strategic step for any athlete aspiring to excel in this competition. By reviewing WODs from previous seasons, competitors can identify recurring trends in the types of movements requested, event formats, and exercise combinations that were favored. This review often reveals a balance between endurance, strength, technique and strategy, highlighting the importance of versatile preparation.

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Building your training program for OPENs

  • Build a solid foundation: Start by building general endurance and strength before focusing on CrossFit®-specific skills.
  • Technical integration: Gradually add complex movements and WOD scenarios similar to those of OPENs to increase the specificity of training.
  • Variety in training cycles: Alternate between periods of high volume and high intensity to develop both work capacity and power.
  • Technique under fatigue: Practice technique exercises in a state of fatigue to simulate competition conditions.
  • Competition simulations and pacing strategies: Integrates test WODs and works on effort management to optimize performance.
  • Importance of recovery: Plan mobility and stretching sessions and adopt active recovery techniques to prevent injury.
  • Program customization: Adjust your training according to your strengths and weaknesses, taking into account the analysis of past OPENs.
  • Injury prevention: Regularly incorporates pre-habilitation and strengthening exercises for injury-prone areas.

Key WODs to improve your endurance


For the weather :

    • 1 mile run
    • 100 pull-ups
    • 200 pumps
    • 300 squats
    • 1-mile run Ideally completed with a weighted vest (20 lbs for men, 14 lbs for women). Murph is a classic endurance test that challenges every aspect of your fitness.
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AMRAP in 20 minutes:

    • 5 pull-ups
    • 10 pumps
    • 15 squats Cindy is a basic endurance WOD that builds muscular endurance through simple gymnastic movements.
Cindy 1 Opens

WODs to increase your strength and power

clean and jerk 2


30 Clean & Jerks (135 lbs for men, 95 lbs for women) for time. This WOD tests explosive power and the ability to handle significant weight quickly.

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30 Snatches (135 lbs for men, 95 lbs for women) for time. Isabel focuses on technique and power in a complex Olympic movement.

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5x5 Back Squats

5 sets of 5 repetitions of back squats at a heavy weight, with particular attention to posture and explosive ascent. This classic strength pattern is ideal for building leg power.

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Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3

5 sets of 3 reps of deadlifts at a heavy weight, focusing on the form and engagement of the posterior chain muscles. Low-repetition sets with high weights increase maximum strength.

Techniques and strategies for complex movements

Skill WOD – Gymnastics

3 Rounds for quality:

      • 5-10 Muscle-ups or muscle-up progressions
      • 10-15 Alternating pistols (single-leg squats) for each leg
      • 30-60 seconds of L-Sit or progression focusing on the quality of the repetitions, this WOD aims to develop mastery of the complex gymnastic movements that frequently appear in OPENs.

EMOM Technical (20 minutes)

Each minute alternates between :

      • Minute 1: 3 complex snatches (at 60-70% of 1RM, focusing on technique)
      • Minute 2: 5-7 Handstand Push-ups or progressions to improve inverted movement technique. This WOD is designed to refine technique in Olympic and gymnastic movements, allowing you to work under a low load to focus on form.

Recovery and mobility planning

Effective recovery and mobility planning is essential to support the intensive training needed to prepare for CrossFit® OPENs. Not only does it help prevent injury, it also improves performance by increasing range of motion and reducing muscle fatigue. Here are some key elements to incorporate into your routine:

Active recovery

Incorporate active recovery sessions into your program, such as yoga for athletes, low-intensity cycling or swimming. These activities help increase blood flow to tired muscles, promoting faster recovery without adding extra stress to the body.

Mobility and flexibility

Dedicate time each day to targeted mobility exercises, focusing on the hips, shoulders, and spine, which are crucial for a wide range of movements in CrossFit®. Tools such as foam rollers, lacrosse balls and resistance bands can be very useful.

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Nutritional advice to accompany your preparation

Nutrition plays a crucial role in preparing for CrossFit® OPENs, directly impacting your performance, recovery and overall health. A well-planned diet can provide you with the energy you need for your intensive workouts, facilitate rapid recovery, and optimize your body composition.

Nutrition to optimize recovery and performance Balancing macronutrients

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Balancing macronutrients

Proteins: Crucial for muscle repair and rebuilding. Aim for 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.
Carbohydrates: Essential for replenishing glycogen reserves and providing energy for training. Adapt your carbohydrate intake to the intensity of your training. Fats: Necessary for hormonal functions and overall health. Favors unsaturated fats (avocados, nuts, olive oil).

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Nutrient timing

Pre-workout: A balanced meal 2 to 3 hours beforehand, or a small carbohydrate-rich snack 30 minutes to 1 hour beforehand.
Post-workout: Consume protein and carbohydrates within 30 to 45 minutes of your workout to optimize muscle recovery and replenish energy.

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Natural anti-inflammatories

Incorporate foods rich in anti-inflammatory compounds, such as turmeric, ginger, berries and oily fish (rich in omega-3), to help reduce inflammation and promote recovery.

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Foods rich in antioxidants

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables for a high intake of antioxidants, which can help combat the oxidative stress induced by intensive training.

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Micronutrient management

Make sure you're getting enough essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron, vitamin D and magnesium, which play a key role in performance and recovery.

Recommended hydration and supplements for CrossFit® athletes


    • Water is crucial for all bodily functions. Maintain adequate hydration, aiming for around 30-35 ml of fluid per kilogram of body weight per day, more in the case of intensive training.

Supplements for Recovery

  • Consider supplements such as protein powder to aid protein intake, creatine to enhance performance and support recovery, and BCAAs to aid muscle repair.
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The importance of recovery and injury prevention

Recovery techniques for CrossFit® athletes

Recovery is a fundamental pillar of all sports preparation, especially for CrossFit® athletes who engage in intense training. Here are some essential recovery techniques:

  • Quality sleep Sleep is perhaps the most powerful recovery tool at your disposal. Aiming for 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep every night promotes muscle repair, hormonal regulation and mental recovery.
  • Massage and muscle therapy Massages or the use of self-massage tools such as foam rollers can help relax tense muscles, promote circulation and speed up the recovery process.
  • Cold baths and cold therapy Although research is mixed, some athletes have found that cold baths or cold therapy can reduce muscle soreness and improve recovery.

Injury prevention strategies specific to CrossFit®.

Injury prevention in CrossFit® is crucial to ensuring longevity in the sport and optimizing performance. Here are some specific strategies for avoiding common injuries associated with this discipline:

  • Active listening to the body Learn to differentiate between normal training-related pain and that which signals a potential injury. Taking extra rest days or modifying training when necessary is crucial.
  • Variety and balance Although CrossFit® is based on variety, it’s important to ensure a balance in the types of training to avoid muscle imbalances and specific overloads.
  • Use of protective equipment Wearing safety-compliant potholders, knee pads or lifting belts can provide additional support and reduce the risk of injury during specific movements.

Remember that the key to success in OPENs – and in CrossFit® in general – lies in consistency, patience and commitment to your overall well-being. Prepare yourself intelligently, push your limits thoughtfully, and you’ll be ready to take on the OPENs with confidence and skill.

CrossFit® is a registered trademark of CrossFit, LLC, which is not responsible for our blog post.

Discover a selection of GladiatorFit products to help you prepare for the OPENs.

GladiatorFit offers a range of products to help you achieve your goals. Here’s a list of products to get you started on your CrossFit® journey.

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