The 10 best exercises for an outdoor workout

Training outdoors has many benefits for body and mind. Our guide to the 10 best outdoor exercises is perfect for everyone, whether you want to boost your stamina, build muscle or just enjoy the outdoors. With activities like running, squats, push-ups and burpees, you’ll get a complete workout.

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The importance of outdoor training for your well-being

Exercising outdoors increases oxygenation, improving the quality of the air we breathe during our efforts. This increased exposure to fresh air helps increase lung capacity and improve blood circulation. As well as the physical benefits, outdoor training has a positive impact on our mental health. Natural sunlight helps regulate our biological clock, improving our sleep cycles. It also plays a crucial role in the synthesis of vitamin D, essential for maintaining mood and preventing depression. By putting us in direct contact with nature, outdoor exercise reduces stress and anxiety, and boosts our sense of well-being and energy.

How to equip yourself for an effective outdoor workout

To maximize the benefits of your outdoor training and ensure your comfort and safety, it’s crucial to be well-equipped. Here are a few tips to help you prepare your workout effectively:

Appropriate clothing:

  • Comfortable, breathable clothing Opt for sweat-wicking clothing to stay dry and comfortable during exercise. Lightweight, breathable materials are preferable.
  • Suitable footwear Wear sports shoes designed for the type of activity you do. Supportive footwear with good grip is essential to avoid injury.

Equipment :

  • Floor mats For floor exercises such as crunches or yoga, a mat offers comfort and insulation.
  • Pairs of dumbbells Perfect for strengthening muscles, you can perform a wide range of exercises with them.
  • Water bottle Hydration is crucial, especially during outdoor training. Always carry a bottle of water to stay well hydrated.

Accessories :

  • Sport watch : To keep track of your performance, a sports watch can be very useful. It can help you measure distance traveled, calories burned, heart rate, and other important statistics.
  • Headphones For those who like to work out to music, headphones can enhance your experience and motivate you.
  • Small backpack : A small backpack can be handy for carrying your keys, phone and other small items.
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The best exercises for a complete outdoor workout

For a complete outdoor workout, it’s essential to integrate exercises that target various aspects of fitness: endurance, strength, flexibility and balance. Here are several exercises for a balanced routine:

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Jogging or running to improve your endurance

Start your outdoor workout with a light run or brisk walk, an excellent option for warming up your body and stimulating your cardiovascular system. This warm-up phase prepares your muscles, tendons and joints for the physical effort ahead, reducing the risk of injury.

Squats to strengthen leg and buttock muscles

This versatile exercise engages several muscle groups simultaneously, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and even the core, to maintain balance and posture. By performing squats, you work on muscular strength, endurance and stability, while improving hip and knee mobility. To get the most out of squats, it's crucial to ensure correct technique: keep your back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and lower yourself down as if you were going to sit in a chair, making sure your knees don't go beyond your toes. Squats can be performed with or without weights, allowing a variety of intensities to suit all fitness levels.

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Push-ups to work pectorals, shoulders and triceps

Push-ups are a great exercise for working your pecs, shoulders and triceps. Push-ups are an excellent exercise for working your pectorals, shoulders and triceps. It's an exercise you can do anywhere, and is ideal for your outdoor workouts. To perform the exercise correctly: make sure your body forms a straight line from head to heels, lowering your torso until it's almost level with the ground, then rising again by extending your arms. If you're just starting out, you can modify the push-ups by leaning on your knees, which reduces the load and makes them easier to perform.

Burpees for a full-body workout and cardio boost

Burpees are the ultimate exercise for working your whole body and boosting your cardio at the same time. It's a dynamic movement that combines a squat position, a plank and a jump. To do a burpee, start by getting into a squat position, place your hands on the floor, then throw your feet back to get into a plank position. Do a pump, bring your feet towards your hands, and finish with an explosive leap into the air. Burpees get your heart rate up, burn calories and strengthen almost every muscle in your body: legs, stomach, chest, arms. If you're looking for a complete and effective exercise to add to your outdoor workouts, burpees are perfect.

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Pull-ups using a park or outdoor equipment

Pull-ups are a great way to develop upper-body strength, and when you incorporate them into your outdoor workout using a park or dedicated equipment, you add a challenging dimension to your exercise. Hold onto a pull-up bar or other external device, and pull yourself upwards using the strength of your arms, shoulders and back. This exercise effectively stimulates the muscles of the back, biceps and shoulders, contributing to a balanced upper-body workout.

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Plank exercises to strengthen core and abdominal muscles

Plank exercises are perfect for strengthening your core and abdominal muscles. It's a simple but highly effective exercise that you can do anywhere, especially outdoors. To do a plank, lie face down on the floor and lift your body by supporting yourself on your forearms and the balls of your feet. Keep your body as straight as a board, without letting your hips go up or down. This position must be maintained for as long as possible to derive maximum benefit.

Lunges to target the legs and improve balance

Lunges are a key exercise for targeting your leg muscles and improving your balance. Easy to perform outdoors, they mainly train the quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings, while engaging your core to maintain balance. To lunge correctly, take a big step forward or backward and lower your body until your front knee is at right angles and your back knee is almost touching the ground. Make sure you keep your back straight and your gaze straight ahead. Alternate legs for a set number of repetitions or for a set period of time for a complete workout.

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The mountain climber for an intense cardio workout

The mountain climber is an intense cardio exercise perfect for boosting your heart rate while strengthening several muscle groups. It's a dynamic movement that mimics climbing, ideal for burning calories and improving your overall fitness. To perform it, get into a plank position with your hands flat on the floor, under your shoulders, and your body straight from head to toe. Quickly bring one knee up to your chest, then switch legs in quick succession, as if you were running on the spot in plank position.

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Bench dips for triceps and shoulders

Bench dips are an effective exercise for targeting the triceps and shoulders, and you can easily incorporate them into your outdoor workout. All you need is a bench or other stable support at waist height. Sit on the edge of the bench, place your hands on either side of your hips, fingers pointing forward. Slide your buttocks off the bench by stretching your legs out in front of you, then bend your elbows to lower your body towards the floor before pushing yourself back to the starting position.

Skipping to improve coordination and endurance

Rope skipping is a classic exercise that combines coordination and endurance. It's a fun and effective way to add cardio to your outdoor workout routine. In addition to stimulating your cardiovascular system, rope skipping works almost every muscle in your body, from your legs and arms to your shoulders and core. To start with, make sure you have a skipping rope that's the right size for you. Hold each end of the rope with your hands and rotate it using your wrists, not your arms. The secret is in the lightness of the jumps; keep your feet close to the ground and use your forefeet to bounce. Start with short sessions, and gradually increase the duration as you gain endurance and skill.

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How to integrate these exercises into an outdoor training routine

Incorporating these exercises into an outdoor workout routine can completely transform the way you work out, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of exercise while appreciating fresh air and nature. Here’s how to start your outdoor training if you’re a beginner.

Tips for beginners: how to get started with outdoor training

  1. Set yourself achievable goals Before you start, think about what you want to achieve with your outdoor training. Whether it’s improving your overall fitness, losing weight, or simply spending more time outdoors, having a clear goal will keep you motivated.
  2. Start small : Don’t overdo it right from the start. If you’re new to exercise or haven’t done it for a while, start with short training sessions, then gradually increase the duration and intensity.
  3. Choose the right exercises Use the exercises mentioned above as a basis for your routine. Start with exercises such as jogging, squats and push-ups, then gradually incorporate more complex exercises such as burpees or mountain climbers.
  4. Plan your routine : Define in advance the days and times you’ll train, and the exercises you’ll perform. This will help you create a habit and ensure that you remain consistent in your practice.
  5. Prepare your equipment Even if outdoor training doesn’t require a lot of equipment, a few essentials like a good pair of shoes, a water bottle and possibly a floor mat can make all the difference.
  6. Diversify your training : Don’t limit yourself to just one type of exercise. Variety is the key to balanced training and avoiding boredom. Alternates between cardio, strength and flexibility for a complete workout.

Recovery after an outdoor workout

Post-exercise stretching helps improve flexibility, promotes circulation, and can reduce muscle tension built up during training. Here are some stretches to consider:

Tips for beginners: how to get started with outdoor training

  • Quadriceps stretch : While standing, bend one knee and pull your foot towards your buttocks, keeping your knees close together. Hold the position for 15 to 30 seconds and switch legs.
  • Hamstring stretch Sitting on the floor, extend one leg and bend the other so that the foot of the bent leg touches the inside of the opposite thigh. Gently lean towards the outstretched leg. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds, then switch legs.
  • Calf stretch Facing a wall, step forward with one foot and keep the other straight behind. Push gently against the wall, keeping the heel of the back leg on the ground. Hold, then change legs.
  • Shoulder and arm stretch Interlace your fingers behind your back and stretch your arms, lifting your hands slightly to stretch your shoulders and arms.

Tips for beginners: how to get started with outdoor training

Hydration: Drinking enough water after exercise is crucial for restoring the body’s hydration levels. Physical exertion, especially outdoors and in the sun, can lead to significant fluid loss. Rehydrate with water or sports drinks, which can also help replenish lost electrolytes.

Nutrition: Eating the right foods after training helps repair muscles and replenish energy reserves. Eat a combination of protein for muscle repair (such as chicken, tofu, or a protein shake) and carbohydrates to replenish energy (such as fruit, vegetables, or whole grains) within 45 minutes of your workout.

By incorporating these stretching practices, staying well hydrated, and adopting proper nutrition after your workouts, you’ll maximize your recovery, improve your future performance, and reduce the risk of injury, allowing you to get the most out of your outdoor training sessions.

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